2018 Mekong - U.S. Partnership Young Scientist Program
Over twenty young scientists from Lower Mekong countries, who are enrolled in or have recently completed a graduate program in the fields of water, energy or environmental sustainability, participated in the inaugural cohort. They developed capacity for collaborative research through a four-week thematic exchange program, a two-day scientific symposium and a competition for seed funding.
Te Borano
Samley Sok
Chhunleang Rorm
Taing Chanreaksmey
Phou Bunthann
Alounny Lasy
Vilay Vannaladsaysy
Sounthisack Phommachanh
Khin Khant Khant Hlaing
Khin Seint Seint Aye
San Hay Mar Shwe
San San Htwe
Athit Phetrak
Attakarn Jansasithorn
Bundit Buddhahai
Jirawadee Polprasert
Hong Nam Nguyen
Dung Thi Hanh Mai
Thanh Kha Tran
Tran Nguyen Phuong Lan
Tran Thi Ngoc Bich
Le Ngoc Long
Nguyen Viet Hoai
Mi Nguyen